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"Inadequate pedestrian crossings, subways, and poorly designed and maintained footpaths cause serious threat to road safety"

Nov 17, 2017

"Inadequate pedestrian crossings, subways, and poorly designed and maintained footpaths cause serious threat to road safety",

says Spl. Commissioner (Traffic), Delhi Police, Dependra Pathak

Delhi Police would be happy to work with FICCI on various aspects of road safety.


NEW DELHI, 17 November 2017: Delivering the Keynote Address at the programme, Mr. Dependra Pathak, Spl. Commissioner (Traffic), Delhi Police said that Drive's Fault has been identified as the root cause for approximately 45% of the accidents happened in Delhi last year. Delhi Traffic Police is working on improving the processes of catching the culprits with help of technology, improvement in road infrastructure, stringent punishment of cancelling driving licence in upcoming Motor Vehicle Act amendment. It would very soon be equipped with a new set of guidelines ensuring stringent measurements to curb the fatalities caused by drunk and driving instances, he added.


Mr Dependra Pathak was speaking at the conference 'Role of Corporates in Road Safety' organised by FICCI in New Delhi today.  A FICCI-EY report 'Promoting Road Safety Across 4E: The Corporate Guide' was also released at the inaugural session.


Role of technology is very important in ensuring implementation of road safety rules, catching violation, and punishing offenders, said Mr. G K Pillai, Chair, FICCI Committee on Homeland Security & Former Union Home Secretary, Govt. of India. All nations across world are committed to bring down road fatalities by 50%, however in India it has been increasing rather than coming down. We need huge behavioural shift in the mind-set of people to take collective responsibility in ensuring road safety at every level. Traffic problem is everyone's problem. It is our own responsibility to follow the rules and respect others on road as well, he added.


In his Theme Address, "Promoting Road Safety Across 4Es: The Corporate Guide" Mr. Nripesh Kumar, Partner, Transport Leader in Government Sector, EY LLP said that roads are an interesting place to observe how people of society interact with each other, but in India, high number of road rages leaves an unfortunate impression of poor public etiquettes. He highlighted that key areas in improving road safety are stringent measures in driving license tests, use of technology, and faster road crash response plan including behavioural shift on society level.


Mr. Rajesh Mathur, Chair, FICCI Committee on Geospatial Technologies & Advisor, ESRI India in his Closing Address briefed the audience on some possible technological solutions to road safety challenges, and how Geographical Information System (GIS) and other geospatial technologies are helping road authorities worldwide in finding and analyzing problems on real time basis.


Later while Chairing a session on "Improving Road Safety in India: Corporate Sector Commitments and Opportunities"Mr. Amit Saha, Chief Sustainability Officer, Hindustan Coca- Cola Beverages said that collective effort by corporates from different sectors can help in effective journey management. With the help of technology this is very much doable. 


FICCI Road Safety Awards 2017 were also conferred during the Inaugural Ceremony. Enclosed is the details of awarded entries.


Download List of FICCI Road Safety Awards and Awardees 2017:




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